I'm Brian Wigginton (but everyone calls me B-Wiggs). I'm a Husband, Father (x2), Software Engineer in Austin, TX.
2d ai algorithms analytics apache api art aws books business career chatgpt cli closures Cocktails color colormaps computation computers concurrency conference ctf culture dashboards data data engineering datalake db defcon DEFCON30 design distributed systems dsa dynamic programming electronics enterprise environment estimation finance fixtures focus games gnuplot GoLang golf graphics graphql green-software GTK habits happiness hardware home Homelab htb hugo ideas interview JavaScript js json kpis laws leadership linux math mental microservices military money monolith networking notes open source OpenBSD opengl optimization osint parenting patterns performance personal plugin pmp programming Project project management proverbs psychology pwa python radar Rails ranking recursion remarkable robotics Ruby security self development snippets software engineering statistics strategy Subversion sustainability svn tailscale terminal thinkpad thoughts Tips udmp ux visualization visualizations vpn vue war wardley weather web3 ww2 x1c6 x230 zettelkasten

We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.

- Archilochos

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

- Theodore Roosevelt

Humility is a knowledge of our weaknesses, confidence is a knowledge of our strengths, and ego is something dangerous with none of the former and a skewed sense of the latter.

- Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday

The fruit of your work grows on other people's trees.

- Peter Drucker