Manager's Path


Camille Fournier, got a job as Director of Engineering at Rent the Runway and grew the team over 4 years from being person 1 to CTO.

Ch1. Management 101

Lot’s of developers only experience managers who’s style is that of benign neglect

Benign Neglect

A policy or strategy of deliberately taking no action concerning an issue, challenging situation, or other problem in the belief that this course will ultimately result in the best outcome possible. - noninterference that is intended to benefit someone or something more than continual attention would.

Reportedly coined in 1969 by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, adviser to US President Richard Nixon, who recommended this policy with respect to the issue of US racial strife.

A good manager should:

  1. care about you as a person
  2. actively work to help you grow in your career
  3. teach you important skills and give valuable feedback
  4. help you navigate difficult situations
  5. help you figure out what you need to learn
  6. want you to take their job someday
  7. help you understand what is important to focus on and enable you to have that focus

What to expect from a manager

one-on-one meetings

Give you the opportunity to build a personal connection between manager and employee.

Even as an introvert, you have to treat other people as human beings and learn about each other’s lives ouside of the office. Human connection leads to trust. Trust requires a bit of vulnerability between each other.

1-1s need to have a predictable time so each person can be prepared for the conversation. The conversation is owner by both people, not just the manager. Write down things you want to talk about in a central location so you’re ready to talk about them at the 1-1.

1-1s are not status meetings. IF that becomes the case then the genuine relationship building wont happen.

Feedback and Workplace Guidance

You should be getting good and bad feedback form your manager. You should not be hit with it all at once in your performance review. Keep track of feedback and use it when you write your self evaluation.

Good managers notice little things you’re doing well day-to-day.

Quick feedback is better than waiting for a convenient time.

Praise in public, criticize in private.

As your manager what you need to do to get promoted ,if your company has a career ladder.

Stretch projects assigned by a manager will help you to grow.

MAnagers should help you to understand the value of your work your doing even when it’s not fun or glamorious. They should give you a sense of purpose and help you to understand how you fit in with the bigger picture.

Training and Career Growth

Your manager holds some responsibility in helping you find training and other resourcef for career growth, they are your company liason.

How to be managed

Not the same as managing up.

Think about what you want

On uncertainty: Expect to feel uncertain about your role every 5-10 years as you grow and take on different roles and responsibilities.

You are responsible for yourself

Go after what you want, your manager can’t read your mind. When you want to work on projects, ask. When your persistantly unhappy, say something. When you want a promotion, have a conversatoin with your manager to talk about those requirements.

Give your manager a break

They hav a job to do and need to make decisions that are best for the company and the team.

Come to your manager with problems AND SOLUTIONS. Don’t just bring problems that you want them to solve.

Choose your managers wisely

Strong managers know how to play the game at your organization. They know how to get you promoted and connect you with powerful people in your org.

Know the difference between a strong manager and a manager that’s your friend.

Give your manager a break

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