On Keeping Books

I love books. I used to love going to Barnes and Noble as a kid and just perusing through the computer books isle. There was always something new and interesting to be exposed to. As I got older I started buy books all the time. During college, Ryan Gibbons and I would sometimes head over to nerdbooks.com’s warehouse in Richardson, TX. They had endless shelves of technology books! It was incredible.

After moving around nearly a dozen times owning a bunch of physical books became a burden and I scaled down my library to just a few favorites and timeless technology books. Today my library is limited to about 20 or so books that we commonly go back and page through.

Umberto Eco

There are still people who consider a bookshelf as a mere storage space for already-read objects and do not think of the library as a working tool.

– Umberto Eco

What a lot of books! Have you read them all?

No, these are the ones I have to read by the end of the month. I keep the others in my office.

– Umberto Eco, “How to Justify a Private Library”


(noun) a japanese word for buying books but never reading them.

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