- What is OpenGL exactly?
- What are all the different opengl versions? What do I need to know about them?
- What’s the different between GLFW and OpenGL?
- What is the support like on Apple Devices and how does it work with Apple Metal?
- Machines have hardware dependent opengl versions? Due to drivers?
- What are core vs compatibility profiles?
- What is a shader?
- Why is it called a Shader?
This use of the term “shader” was introduced to the public by Pixar with version 3.0 of their RenderMan Interface Specification, originally published in May 1988. -Wikipedia
- How do I create a shader?
- How can I ensure a shader compiles on my machine?
- What’s a vertex shader?
- What’s a fragment shader?
- Uniforms, Attributes?
uniform are per-primitive parameters (constant during an entire draw call) ; attribute are per-vertex parameters (typically : positions, normals, colors, UVs, …) ; varying are per-fragment (or per-pixel) parameters : they vary from pixels to pixels.
GL Objects
- What’s a VBO?
VBO or Vertex Buffer Object is simply a buffer of memory in the graphics card. It holds the data you want to render.
- What’s a VAO?
A Vertex Array Object tells opengl how the VBO data is formatted. ex: the first 3 bytes or position, the next 3 bytes are color…