jQuery’s Advanced Attribute Selectors
TIL that jQuery has some pretty cool attribute querying capability.
I knew you could select element by attributes by simple adding them with brackets:
And that you can also match against content inside the attributes.
$('a[rel="nofollow"]') $('a[rel!="nofollow"]')
But this is where is gets cool. You’re not just limited to equal or not equal. You can also provide other operators for more advanced matching scenarios:
$('a[rel|="nofollow"]') // prefix search: "nofollow-" $('a[rel*="nofollow"]') // contains search: "xxnofollowxx" $('a[rel~="nofollow"]') // word search: "me nofollow bookmark" $('a[rel$="nofollow"]') // starts with search: "nofollowxxx" $('a[rel^="nofollow"]') // ends with search: "xxnofollow"
Check out the docs for more info: http://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/attribute-selectors/